Alaska Winter Sky
Driving home to the Kenai River along Turnagain Arm last night Alaska showed off its gorgeous winter sky.
Come join us next winter in Alaska!
Making Tracks
Winter us time for making tracks…in fresh snow. So say the winter animals, and so say the Nordic skiers!
Merry Christmas
From our family to your’s, a very very Merry Christmas! We appreciate all our guests from 2016 and seasons past, and look forward to an amazing 2017. Click Here to explore the Alaska Dream for your family in the coming year.
Winter Moose
A couple of young bulls, a cow, and 2 calves have been regulars in the neighborhood this winter.
Kenai River on Ice!
It’s official! The Lower Kenai River is now ice bound…December 12, 2016. We’ll miss the daily visual of flowing water for a few months (it usually breaks up in early April), but new visual pleasures await as winters paints its own beautiful picture!
Caribou Shedding Velvet
Spotted this massive bull Caribou near are home on the kenai peninsula… unfortunately not legal to hunt, wish it had been a bull moose!!
These adorable moose baby twins were born just across the street this week!
The Kenai River Opened up on April 1st after 3 Months of Winter’s Frozen Grip!
Sunshine on Ice at the Beach in Kenai
Still Frozen on the 1st Day of Spring!
River of Ice…
Slushy Sunrise…
Once in a Blue Moon…

Winter Sunrise on the Kenai River…
Slow Flow…
Jingle Bell time…
Riverfront Glow in Snow…
Bull Moose Meadow…
October Sunset Fishing…
This Moose Says it’s Fall too!
Fall at Kenai Riverfront!
Fall Colors & Fresh Snow!
Mother-Daughter Time…
Sunrising on the Kenai
Perfect Rainbow
This young crazy bull moose just couldn’t itch himself enough on our buoy swing this spring!