Welcome to the “Snack-n-Tack”! Every Summer, the “Snack & Tack” brings you all the fishing tackle, rental fishing poles and know-how you need to conquer the Kings, wrestle the Reds, snare the Silvers, punch the Pinks, and reign in the Rainbows & Dollies! We’re Taylor & Cooper aka TJ & CJ, the twin fishing pros of the Snack & Tack and we look forward to welcoming you to the world famous Kenai River! We’re happy to help you get rigged & ready for some awesome fishing here on the riverfront! We have everything you need and you’ll save more time for fishing instead of running to town for snacks & tackle when you shop with us. Most importantly, we have the RIGHT tackle for this fishery, so skip the long lines in town and avoid wasting money on the wrong stuff from Walmart or other big box stores and let us get you hooked up! Our rental fishing poles for Red Salmon, Silver Salmon or King Salmon will save you the hassle of traveling with your fishing gear as well! We tie our own special version of Sockeye (Red) Salmon flies here at the Snack & Tack — designed after the Sockeye’s primary food source in the ocean – krill. Ever wonder why Red Salmon fillets are so bright orangish-red? It’s because they mostly eat krill in the ocean. These custom tied flies are extremely effective at getting Red Salmon to actually bite! Time after time we’ve seen total beginners hook salmon from our shore with these flies after a just a few well placed casts (or Kenai flips as they’re called). Try one for yourself next summer and you’ll see just how effective this fly pattern is in the Kenai River. (Also available for online purchase…just email visitus@thealaskadream.com for info.) Curious about fly-tying? Sign up for a fly-tying class with us and learn how to tie this and other flies yourself next time you’re staying at Kenai Riverfront Resort! We’re patient teachers and happy to teach kids and adults of all ages! English not even required — we both study German and Japanese and are familiar with several other languages as well!
As you can see, we’ve been entrepreneurs in our family business from a young age. Since we were old enough to walk, we’ve been helping make sure our guests have a great time when they stay at Kenai Riverfront Resort, and in 2008 we took over operations of the Snack & Tack from our big sisters Jillian & Allison who first opened it in the summer of 2003, converting an old lemonade stand from up the road. In 2016 we rebuilt the Snack & Tack from that original 4 foot by 4 foot 20+ year old converted lemonade stand with log siding, to a real log cabin–10 foot by 6 foot–with enough door and ceiling height that we wouldn’t hit our heads anymore…no matter how much taller we get! Here are some pics from the project! |