Birthday King Party!
After a long day already of chasing the elusive Kenai Kings by boat, up at 0500 and under the eagle's nest again, greeted by the eaglet balancing on the edge of the nest above, we [...]
After a long day already of chasing the elusive Kenai Kings by boat, up at 0500 and under the eagle's nest again, greeted by the eaglet balancing on the edge of the nest above, we [...]
So it goes on a Kenai River summer day filled with all the Alaska you can take in, Eagles soaring, Moose swimming, sunshine & rain, cottonwood blowing...and finally at the end of the day a [...]
Nick & Kennedy of Northern Californina enjoyed some quality father-daughter time on our Kenai River floating dock this evening, a beautiful evening with fish happening, at the end of their Alaska Dream trip!
TJ started us off today with a bang! He hooked into several Sockeye and then landed a beauty...inspiring us all in the family to grab a pole, put chores on hold, and fish till our [...]
Helen & Sue Smith, sisters, arrived from Australia, guiding their Scottish parents on an epic Alaska journey celebrating their SIXTIETH Wedding that's an accomplishment! We had a great visit with them, sharing our love [...]
The Kenai River giveth and she takes your breath away sometimes too. Today was a whole lot of both for a group of guys eager to experience the rush of a beautiful Kenai King Salmon [...]
Right at the tail end of a late evening King test run on the famous HG 1/4 mile I found this beautiful rainbow who sacrificed for our benefit....another great meal on the Kenai River.
Ken & Cara joined us on the river this summer for the first time, a small part of their Alaska Dream spanning the state. With weather that can only be described as meteorological perfection, it [...]
Dio, Daniel & Mauricio from Sao Paolo spent a beautiful evening on the river fishing the early edge of the famous Kenai River Sockeye Run....what they caught was priceless, time together enjoying the beauty of [...]