G’Day Sockeye!
All the way from Australia and New Zealand, visiting Alaska for the first time on an epic journey focused mostly on fishing but encompassing many adventures on land, in the air and on the water, [...]
All the way from Australia and New Zealand, visiting Alaska for the first time on an epic journey focused mostly on fishing but encompassing many adventures on land, in the air and on the water, [...]
みはしさんたちはも2かいアラスカにきました。ここでサーモンのつりが大好きですけど居まだゆかりさんはまだレードサーモンをつりませんでした。居は違います!TJとCJさんたちのマジックフライで使ってあとにすぐつりましたでしょう! おめでとうゆかりさん!旦那さんもつりましたからもおめでとう!また、がんばって下さい!
Hailing from Hugo, Minnesota, first time Alaska visitors Joe & Melissa, still looking like honeymooners after 2 years since marrying, celebrated their first salmon success on our shore....and we celebrated with them like it was [...]
Enjoying another day on the Kenai with our good friends from Switzerland....fishing, relaxing, enjoying laughter and peace on our uncrowded shore!
How she landed this fish, her 1st Sockeye, we'll never know...maybe it was her "swim with the salmon" in the Kenai River just earlier in the afternoon that brought on the luck, maybe it was her [...]
All the way from southern Texas, Rachel Pruitt brought her family for a stay at Kenai Riverfront Resort and not long after the "Howdy Ya'll" she made her mark on our shore and in our [...]
Not to be outdone by his brother in law with his TEXAS-sized fish earlier today, Ryan learned the Sockeye drill quickly and rocked the Kenai with this nice Red! Next step? Swimmin' with the salmon [...]
Our dear friends Heinz & Erni have returned from the Alps of Switzerland for another summer of fishing on the Kenai River...and despite some setbacks on the front end of the trip (U.S. Customs confiscated [...]
After rolling into camp around 0200 Texas time last night, Darrell was eager to get his line in the water this morning and in little to know time he had landed his 1st BIG Alaska [...]
Here we go again...the Reds are in, the town is a little crazy, and summer salmon fever season has begun! Remain calm (especially you crazy dipnetters and boaters) and we'll all make it through without [...]