The weather has been incredible this past week, highs in the mid 70’s and at times pushing 80, intense sunshine that lasts 18+ hours a day! And the Salmon are here…Chinook in better numbers than we’ve seen in years, and Sockeye at an almost predictable 40,00 a day run strength.  I landed this nice buck just before dinner and TJ landed this hen just as I started heading in to cook….and that was his 2nd on in just those few short minutes as I stepped away. In fact, he was telling me about the “one that had just got away” while he casually flipped his line over his shoulder backwards into the water when this one hit one of his OWN hand tied krill flies and surprised us both!  He said “Let’s put this one in the net quickly and not take any chances!”  He filleted it up with his new knife and did a fine job! Nice work TJ, glad to see you on the fishing report with me, like father like son!