“…this just in, special report, we have another salmon for supper!  CJ and I went down to the shore after morning coffee to just mess around a little and see if there were still some salmon swimming by, and in under 30 minutes we had hooked and lost TWO nice Sockeye!  On and off they were, catch & release –long distance and all too brief. Dark rain clouds were looming from the south, the wind started picking up, and Cooper pulled his line in after “10 last casts” + a couple more, but I stubbornly kept my line moving despite the rain and despite knowing that a hot breakfast was waiting up at the house thanks to my Sweet. Cooper was standing above me, reading yesterday’s fishing report out loud (he hadn’t read it yet) and about halfway through ZOOM my line took off as a fish surfaced and started body surfing toward the middle of the river. That’s a new one I said, hooking a fish while reading a fishing report! I could see this sockeye was hooked cleanly and in a matter of minutes I had him to the shore where thankfully Cooper was there to net him!  A nice bright Sockeye Buck fresh from the ocean and soon to be Coconut Salmon! Before heading up for breakfast, I gave a short fillet demonstration (photo below) for some of our neighbor’s family visiting from Japan who happen to be our dinner guests this evening as well.”


Papi & CJ Red Head Saturday Salmon Fishing

Cooper Nets Papi's Saturday Salmon

Coop with Papi's Saturday Salmon

Papi Fillet Show Saturday Salmon