On the eve of 4th of July the resort population took an upswing and so did the salmon!  After multiple families rolled in from Texas, Louisiana, Barrow, Pennsylvania, Anchorage and even the North Pole, it was high time to wet a line and check on the fishing. My boys had reported several hookups on their custom “Salmon Stryker” flies that they sell at their Snack & Tack camp shop and I had witnessed Pennsylvania lose two, Anchorage lose one, and I saw my boys bump a couple, so I stepped out on one of the big boulders that line our shore and took a few casts to warm up my swing of the Kenai flip cast. After a few minutes I moved to another rock, one of my daughter Alli’s favorite places to fish, and on about the 5th cast I hooked a nice sockeye with my Salmon Stryker fly and it immediately ran straight up river along the shore like a torpedo.  CJ saw me in action and was quick to come down from his shop with the net. The sockeye ran out a bit and down and then as it started it’s next upstream run I managed to pull it close enough to shore for CJ to net it in one swoop!  Great times again for a fishing father and one of his sons.  Thanks for tying a great fly partner!