The Odell family has deep roots in Alaska, stretching back to the good ole’ days in Copper Center, Alaska where the kids were raised, and even though the Grandfather of the troop now calls Tennessee home with his dear Alaska bride, you’d never know they ever left our grand state. They are true Alaskans. Oh the stories they shared about earlier days in Alaska, rafting, fishing, hunting….and the benefactors of their sourdough dreams, the younger two generations, had their own inspiring modern day stories of the greatland–from hunting dall sheep in the high country, to float hunting for moose and caribou, to fishing rivers like the Copper and Klutina to our north. What a great time we all enjoyed together, all too brief, but we hope we’ll do it all again soon!  Great job fishing reds, mastering the float relay for kings, and enjoying family time here at Kenai Riverfront Resort.  Good on ya for creating that for your children! You’re the reason we love doing what we do here!