“…all the way from Pittsburgh, PA, our first newlyweds of the summer were truly dreaming of Alaska for their honeymoon and tonight part of that dream was realized when the groom, Matt Schechtman, caught the first salmon of his life — a beautiful Sockeye Salmon (aka Kenai River Red)!  This fresh-from-the-ocean salmon swam 17 miles up the Kenai River this evening when it was hooked nicely in the corner of the mouth by Matt and the fly TJ & CJ set him up with. He and Bride Amanda had been fishing off and on since yesterday, discouraged at times by the relentless casting and flipping, but they kept the faith and despite light rain showers they kept their lines in the water just long enough it seems.  Matt was as surprised as the fish when it hit and started splashing, but he kept his cool and brought the fish to the net perfectly…dinner plans are set now, as these beautiful fillets will soon become delicious culinary creations!  In the spirit of their recent wedding vows, no “catch & release” for this one!  Congrats & best wishes for a long and happy marriage Matt & Amanda!”

Matt Schechtman 1st Sockeye Salmon

Matt Schechtman 1st Red

Matt Schechtman's 1st Red 2016

Matt & Amanda Honeymoon