September 2004–The Silvers are Getting Bigger!!
“…with each passing tide the Silvers seem to just be getting bigger! Cindy wrestled this handsome buck that weighed nearly 17 pounds and jumped at least half a dozen times and fought like a king before surrendering. Beautiful crisp, sunny day on the Lower Kenai too.”
September 2004–Allison’s GIANT Pink Salmon!!
“…the Pinks are running on the Kenai strong & Allison hooked this monster bigger than a large pepperoni pizza and just as flat! She brought it up to the house to show Mom & everyone and she was beaming pretty and pink!”
September 2004–Oregon Silver Seekers!!
“…after a summer of successful solo fishing, Capt John enjoys success fishing with his hooksetting honey Linda!. It didn’t take her long to get the hang of setting that hook in the lips of a Silver trying to snitch her bait of salmon roe, and she got her day’s limit in a couple of hours on her second time out under beautiful fall blue skies! They’ll be coming back soon we hope, if we ever let them leave :).”
August 2004–Silvers, Pinks & Dollies, Oh My!!
“…as the season winds down, here are some pics of Silver, Pink & Trout fishing with our friends. Torque caught a nice Dolly and Silver on his quick trip on the Kenai in early August, “Long John Silver” shows his first Kenai River Silver here and then went out and caught a bunch more, and Ed & Debbie had a good time on the river and she’s showing her big Pink and nice Silver too. Meanwhile, Roy & Keith offer a sample of a big Silver caught on a spinner. Silver fishing is forecasted to be excellent through the end of September.”
July 2004–First Halibut for Jillian!!
“…on a flat, glassy day in Kachemak Bay out of Homer, Jillian (Age 10) set the hook a beautiful 40 pound Halibut and reeled it up off the bottom in 150 feet of water!! She was as happy as a clam at high tide and loved her first Ocean fishing experience.”

July 20, 2004–Biggest Ever!!
“…this was a big one, the biggest of four nice fish this past week too! One of those 0400 wakeups paid off big when this huge 74 pound buck hit on one of our all time favorite plugs (which incidentally hadn’t caught a fish all season and was dangerously close to getting pulled out of the lineup! John is posing with it here on the bow of the boat, barely able to hold it high enough to fit for the camera. We might need to get a wide angle lense soon. Measurements on this big fish were 52″ length and 32” waist (girth)! “
July 17, 2004–Saturday Night Fever!!
“…fishing in a place we had never caught a King before, enroute to one of our favorite spots, we hooked this lunker at 65 pounds on Saturday night! Out of the water this big male came, full body flying, in front of a crowded red fishing bank of at least 74 onlookers! Stef & John wrestled this fish to the boat and in the net it went, biggest fish to date, but not as big as the smile on Stef’s face! Congratulations on battling and winning your first Kenai King! “
July 13, 2004–Minnesota Madness!!
“…there are just too many stories to tell about the past 72 hours of fishing. Never before has so much been accomplished in so little time, with so much zeal. It was a dream trip for my buddies from the Land of Lakes, but it was a dream for me to be able to enter their crazy world and fish alongside them for a few days too. Look forward to having them back, but I’ll have to work on my nicknames for Sparky, Spanky and Spoof a little more. Check out these fish and imagine how much fun we had! “
July 12, 2004–Serious Sockeye!!
“…nothing is so anticipated in our sleepy little fishing village then the annual return of the Kenai River 2nd Run of Sockeye Salmon. While it feels like they were a little late showing up this year, the numbers of the initial surge of fish are impressive! Jillian went down on Tuesday and caught her limit with several nice hooksets in the lower jaw and no help from Mom & Dad! She really has it dialed in now, so we know we’ll be eating good fresh salmon for the coming months! Alli also caught her first Red all by herself and Jillian landed it in the net (see photos below). “
July 11, 2004–Cindy’s Keeper!!
“…this isn’t one of those stories about the one that got away, it’s a story about dinner with the King! Tall and strong, this King came in quickly as if he didn’t even know he was hooked, or was it the natural attraction of a buck to a good lookin’ dame! Either way, dinner was great and there are more stories to come!”
June 30, 2004–Come as a Guest, Leave as a Friend!!
“…this motto has never rung truer than with our new found fishing friends Al & Heather. They came to Kenai Riverfront for a last minute romantic getaway to celebrate their 5th Wedding Anniversary, and we hope they’ll move to the neighborhood before the sun sets on their 6th anniversay next summer! From knot tying classes on the riverfront to midnight fishing and the dead boat drift, our time together was rich and filled with great memories. Oh, yeah, they caught more salmon in 5 short days than any couple I’ve ever met too!! Now THAT’s Romance…”
June 13, 2004–Homer Halibut Heaven!!
“…it just doesn’t get any better than this…glassy calm waters out of Homer in Kachemak Bay, a friendly high tide at noon (perfect for an easy day of fishing) and a boat full of nice big halibut! “Capt Jeff” and “Marksman Mike” made this a day to remember, the biggest halibut I’ve hooked into, weighing in at about 125 pounds. Thanks guys, nice day. The fish were hitting my pole early and often, with a quick 1-2-3 and I was out! (of energy for a moment). Jeff finished the day with a nice 40+ pounder and it was time to head to the Riverfront for filleting, packing, and quick dinner of Fresh Alaska Halibut. If every day could be this good, well, come to think of it, most days have been lately…it must be summer, eh?! “
June 12, 2004–Kenai Couple!!
“…another great day (or was it just an hour) on the river! This Kenai Couple of Kings were caught back to back (or arm in arm here) and it was love at first bite! He was a gentleman and let his lady catch her’s first, a handsome “Jack” she landed, but then he had to show her who was King by landing this nice bright & beautiful hen. Are you following this romantic story now? First Kenai Kings for both of these dear friends, cause to celebrate and enjoy this River of Dreams together!”
June 12, 2004–Time For Lunch!!
“…this King hit hard and got our attention quick! Denny summoned it to the boat with no trouble and finished our morning on the water with a good plan for Saturday lunch! Summer fishing is heating up and the Kings are bright & fresh!”
June 7, 2004–King Tiger!!
“…enjoying an early season trip on the Kenai River paid off BIG for Tiger and the Puckett family! Just under the slot limit, Tiger hooked this beauty upriver from Kenai Riverfront and enjoyed a taste of fresh Kenai River King Salmon moments after it was filleted! They only get bigger from here Tiger, so come back soon!”
June 9, 2004–Invite the King to Dinner!!
“…well, to be more precise, we should say “Queen” because this big hen was full of eggs! First King Salmon of the season (the kids say we should call the females “Queen Salmon”–and they CAN tell the difference at a glance already!) This fish hit on Cooper’s pole and by the time it was in the net everyone on the boat had had their turn at joining in the fight! The pole circled the boat at least 3 times! This was our first time this year on the river all together as a family (all 6 of us) and the fish hit within the first fifteen minutes just downriver from Kenai Riverfront! It started to rain after that so it was a good excuse to come in for dinner and enjoy all 41 inches of this Kenai Wild King Salmon!!”
May 25, 2004–The Hooligan Have Arrived!!
“…just a quick update to report that the Hooligan have arrived!! It looks like a strong run this summer, with a steady black line of these fish in the smelt family running so close to shore that the kids can catch them by hand!” P.S. King fishing has been great so far for the first run, and traffic on the river is very light considering the quality of fishing and the water level.
May 15, 2004–First Kings Caught!!
“…we didn’t catch it, and maybe it was just the seasonal “rumor fish”, but the word is out that the first King has been caught in the river sometime this past week! Get your gear ready and book your dates soon because the season will be busy before we know it!”